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CA7 Workload Automation™

Use CA 7 Workload Automation RESTful Web Services to monitor and control jobs and resources in the active workload, issue commonly used operator commands, and maintain workload definitions.


Service ID and Version:

com.broadcom.ca7services v12.1.05

Use Cases


This topic describes CA 7 REST API, an application programming interface to a number of CA 7 services.

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Getting Started (2)

Install the CA 7 REST API Server

The CA 7 REST API can be installed on Windows, zLinux/Linux, and UNIX System Services.

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Integrate CA 7 REST API with Zowe API Mediation Layer (Optional)

The Zowe™ API Mediation Layer (Zowe API ML) provides a single point of access for mainframe service REST APIs. The layer offers enterprise, cloud-like features such as high-availability, scalability, dynamic API discovery, consistent security, a single sign-on experience, and documentation. The API Mediation Layer facilitates secure communication across loosely coupled microservices through the API Gateway. The API Mediation Layer includes an API Catalog that provides an interface to view all discovered microservices, their associated APIs, and Swagger documentation in a user-friendly manner. The Discovery Service makes it possible to determine the location and status of microservice instances running inside the ecosystem.

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Videos (1)